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The relationship of organizational justice and organizational commitment with job performance in insurance industry of Guilan province
Since organization is a social system that its life and stability are dependent on the strong link between its constituent elements. Justice is one of the most important factors affecting the survival of the organization and keeps it in a long time. So the concept of justice in the organization theory has been special attention. On the other hand, many researchers believe that a loyal and committed worker is likely to be a productive employee.
Also job performance is one of the most important factors in every organization. In fact refers to set of behaviors that are associated with the job, People themselves develop, or to amount of product and the return refers.
This study aims to investigate understanding organizational justice at work and based on how organizational justice could lead to creation of organizational commitment and job performance. According to information given in this study on 181 people of insurance industry employees has performed; attempt to potential contact from viewpoint of importance, The nature of organizational justice, commitment, and job performance in the insurance industry Guilan province using field and distributed questionnaire assessed. The results that were obtained from the survey data indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment. It is also shown that organizational justice on job performance and organizational commitment on job performance is affected
Samereh Ashouri Chirani
- Robbins ↑
- Allen&Meyer ↑
- Nyvastvrm& Davis ↑
- Cunter ↑
- Mitchell ↑
- Souter Envy ↑
- . Cronbach’s Alpha ↑
- Structural Equation Modeling ↑
- Root Mean Square Error of Approximation ↑
- Comparative Fit Index ↑
- Non-Normal Fit Index ↑
- Normal Fit Index ↑